NUDGE est un projet financé par le programme européen Horizon 2020, qui aspire à évaluer systématiquement et utiliser pleinement le potentiel des interventions comportementales afin d’atteindre une plus grande efficacité énergétique, ouvrant la voie à l’utilisation généralisée de ces interventions comme complément utile à la boîte à outils des politiques.

Achieving the full energy transition potential calls for a paradigm shift, and many solutions are investigated to involve many people and support them in reducing their energy consumption. 

NUDGE will implement and evaluate different behavioural interventions for energy efficiency, paving the way for new policies and human behaviour.

The designed interventions are compared against traditional ones in pilots in GreeceBelgiumGermanyPortugal and Croatia, with:

  • diverse and innovative energy use scenarios (e.g., PV production for EV charging, demand response for natural gas),
  • demographic and socio-economic variables of the involved populations, and
  • platforms to make the interventions operational (smart mobile apps, dashboards, web portals, educational material and intergenerational learning practices).